
1 month ago

Interior designer Sylvia Leydecker from 100% interior has designed the interiors of a private acute care clinic specializing in psychodynamic psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics. A particular challenge was working with the listed building's historical fabric. Susanna Koeberle

on 4/4/24

Professor Dr. med. Gernot Marx is a specialist in anesthesiology and heads the Clinic for Operative Intensive Medicine and Intermediate Care at the Uniklinik RWTH in Aachen. We spoke to him about the challenges and advantages of digitization.  Susanna Koeberle

on 2/5/24

Three examples from Africa show how architecture can respond to crises. The African continent is particularly affected by the impacts of climate change as well as poverty and associated diseases. At the same time, crucial decisions are being made in such places. Susanna Koeberle

on 11/16/23

Creating well-designed hospitals is an enormous challenge, as they must cater to a variety of needs. Four examples from Europe demonstrate how hospitals can become places of recovery. Susanna Koeberle

on 6/29/23

As part of the World-Architects team that visited Venice for the vernissage in May, Italian photographer Flavia Rossi put the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale in the pictures. Her photos give an impression of the diverse interpretations of curator Lesley Lokko's theme Susanna Koeberle

on 5/18/23

An exhibition at Werkraum Bregenzerwald in the Austrian village of Andelsbuch presents some 40 architectural models from the Atelier Peter Zumthor. Through the models exhibited and the building itself, this show gives a tangible impression of his architectural approach. Susanna Koeberle

on 2/8/23

Catherine De Wolf has been Assistant Professor and Director of the Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at ETH Zurich since September 2021. She spoke with us about the challenges of circular construction.  Susanna Koeberle

on 10/25/22

The sixth Lisbon Architecture Triennale is dedicated to the theme "Terra." It is about nothing less than the future of our planet. The many projects showcased in several exhibitions are groundbreaking for the future of architecture. Susanna Koeberle

on 5/28/21

The 17th Venice Architecture Biennale opened on May 22 despite the ongoing pandemic. Curator Hashim Sarkis’s theme, How will we live together?, proves to be highly relevant. The Biennale cannot answer this question but nevertheless poses it emphatically. Sarkis deserves great praise for... Susanna Koeberle

on 5/9/19

With the exhibition Balkrishna Doshi: Architecture for the People, the Vitra Design Museum presents the first retrospective on the complete work of the Indian architect outside of Asia. In 2018, Doshi became the first architect from India to be awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize. Susanna Koeberle

on 10/29/18

An exhibition at the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany, reveals the relevance today of the Austrian designer, author, and activist Victor Papanek. Susanna Koeberle

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